Google start selling Google Glass at April 15

Google provide good news for loyal users. The giant Internet company, yesterday announced it would expand its exploration program Google Glass, which gives the user the opportunity to try out the wearable device ( which can be used ) was.Google give it a chance later on April 15, but only applies to users in the United States.GigaOM launch, Friday, April 11, 2014, prospective explorers program is also likely to get a pair of Google Glass at a price of U.S. $ 1,500.Steps Google Google expands exploration Glass was also seen as a step towards the consumer market, which is likely to be priced cheaper.Google assessed want to increase the number of people using Google Glass, before later releasing the consumer version.Mentioned page Daily Mail citing a report in The Verge, this program, Google provides Google Glass various models, ranging from a version without glass, with larger glass and sunglasses version. Unfortunately, Google still limit the selling point of the Explorer program." The number of places that provide Google Glass is limited, so mark your calendars right away, if you want to get it, " said Google.Users who purchased the Google Glass through this new program will dlibatkan the development process, deliver input in terms of improved design and functionality. Feedback was later used as the Google Glass supplies produce more perfect.Previously, Google is advisable to change the design of the Google Glass is rigid, not so fashionable. The fashionable design suggestions made ??by the company followed up with her ??Segey partnered with Ray - Ban.Mentioned some Google users Glass Explorer version first, wants Google Glass second development stage." I Google Glass useless for phone calls and navigation, so I could not hear it well enough, I need a renewal, " said Dawn Martin.Google's Explorer program is considered as a smart move Google to get input from users.Of smart sunglasses, Google is expected to rake in U.S. $ 50 million during the development phase and curiosity about the product. So you can imagine Google will increasingly reap greater profits.

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